Rightrez Shines at the Travel Technology Show

28 June 2024

Rightrez the industry-leading air booking and management solution provider for cruise, tour, and marine/offshore/cruise line crew markets, recently made waves at the Travel Technology Show in June. For over 20 years, we have innovated in this challenging field of technology, with our dedicated team of developers consistently delivering unparalleled solutions to our extensive global client base.

At the Travel Technology Show, our CEO, Maria Von Foerster, participated in a prestigious C-Suite panel. The discussion covered managing geopolitical risks, the rising costs of in-house technology development, and the challenges of finding talented tech professionals. Maria also shared her views on fostering product innovation, the impact of regenerative technologies on jobs, and the need to rethink business models in response to the climate crisis. She provided insights on where the next major disruptions in travel might originate and identified key technologies with the potential to help the travel sector thrive.

The show also provided a wonderful opportunity to engage with our existing clients and forge new relationships. We were thrilled to share our latest developments and receive valuable feedback that will drive our future initiatives.

Thank you to everyone who visited our booth and attended the panel discussion. We look forward to continuing these conversations and working together to shape the future of travel technology.
Stay tuned for more updates from Rightrez as we continue to lead the way in travel innovation!

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