
Globus Family of Brands began using RightTicket in 2013, and continue to increase the percentage of tickets issued through this method. We have added many QC features pre-ticketing, which help in preventing errors downline, especially debit memos. It truly has become one of our most reliable and efficient processes.” – Cathy Johnson, Director of Air Operations, Globus Travel Services SA


Issue Tickets in less than half the time.

Is your air department:

  • Spending time searching for PNRs that need to be ticketed?
  • Ticketing PNRs too early to avoid the possibility of a penalty or losing space?
  • Using valuable staff time to re-store the fare and issue tickets over and over?


What is RightTicket?
RightTicket is an automated product that tickets batches of PNRs selected by a user through an online query tool, that are placed on queue or via a spreadsheet upload. RightTicket will decrease your air operating costs by issuing tickets so that your team doesn’t have to. RightTicket issued over 95% of our clients’ tickets during the last year.


How can RightTicket benefit you?

  • Manages PNR content to ensure the required elements are present in the PNR to avoid debit memos.
  • Manages ticketing time limits so that PNRs do not have to be ticketed immediately opening up the possibility for securing a more optimal fare.
  • Provides an online query tool so that staff can quickly search for and select PNRs that need to be ticketed using a variety of criteria.
  • Can accept a spreadsheet upload as a means to issue tickets.
  • Ability to post back ticketed PNR information to a host system if desired.
  • Offers detailed error reporting when a ticket fails to issue.


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